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According to recent reports world population has been increasing rapidly especially in poor and under developed countries where no efficient control tactics have been utilized to stop the increasing rate of population in the state.
The most populated countries in the world have huge number of inhabitants living in the territory following the recent census done by national and international institutes.
The reports suggested that the human population on this earth is expected to exceed 9.6 billion by 2050 which is the huge rise in the global populace, women are giving birth of 5-6 children in most of Sub-Saharan African and Asian regions which became the rise of population despite of being low economy and resources to feed and stable living standards.
Meanwhile, most of western countries have controlled their population and women became mothers of just 1-2 children at average. Here we have listed top ten most populated countries in the world with its total population.

10: Japan (126,880,000)

The island country in East Asia Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean, known as Land of the Rising Sun all over the world, with total population of more than 126 million making it one of most populated country across the globe. Japan has the third-largest economy by nominal GDP and fifth largest importer and exporter around the world while it stand among the top countries at the Country Brand Index and considered as one of peaceful country to live. It also ranked high in the Human Development Index having high standard of living and quality of life for its residents.

9: Russia (143,975,923)

The federal semi-presidential republic in northern Eurasia Russia is the largest country in the world covering the area of 6,592,800 sq mi while it is home to over 144 million people becoming one of most population nation. Russia is the largest and leading constituent of the Soviet Union, first constitutionally socialist state and recognized superpower, rich with mineral and energy resources. One of the largest producers of oil and natural gas Russia and one of major exporter of arms in the world, it is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and known as world’s great power.

8: Bangladesh (156,594,962)

Bangladesh is South Asian country which covers area of 56,977 sq mi but stand among most populated countries in the world having total number of inhabitants over 160 million. It has been considered as Next Eleven emerging economy having significant human and social development since independence along with seeable progress in gender equity, educations, agriculture, industry and health. The founding member of SAARC Bangladesh is the member of Commonwealth of Nations and the largest peacekeeping forces to the United Nations.

7: Nigeria (182,202,000)

The federal constitutional republic in West Africa Nigeria often called as Giant of Africa because of its massive population and economy. Nigeria has 180 million inhabitants approximately becoming the most populous country in Africa and one of most populated nation around the world while it has also largest populations of youth. The multinational state has more than 500 ethnic groups identified with variety of cultures and languages while the country can be divided into Christians and Muslim. Nigeria is viewed as an emerging market having one of world’s largest economy and an emerging global power following its rapid growth in every industry.

6: Brazil (204,451,000)

The largest country in both South America and Latin American region Brazil is one of largest country in the world with respect to its area of 3,287,597sq mi and world’s most populated nation with total inhabitants of 204,451,000. The mega-diverse nation has unique environmental heritage, extensive natural resources, diverse wildlife, vast tropical forest and variety of ecological systems. It has one of largest economy all around the world following its GDP and PPP making its world’s fastest growing nation and emerging global power having regional power in Latin America.

5: Pakistan (209,715,847)

One of most populated country Pakistan is home to over 209 million people covering area of 307,374 sq mi; the sovereign country in South Asia has several ancient cultures. The federal parliamentary republic contains four provinces and four federal territories and considered as a linguistically and ethnically diverse country having variation in its geography and wildlife. It stands among the emerging and growth-leading economies which has semi-industrialized economy with a well-incorporated agriculture sector. Pakistan is the founding member of SAARC, CERN and Organization of Islamic Cooperation and only Muslim state which has nuclear weapons.

4: Indonesia (255,461,700)

The sovereign state in Southeast Asia Indonesia is the most-populous Muslim-majority country and one of most populated country across the globe having population of over 255 million people. Indonesia is home to hundreds of native ethnic and linguistic groups while the largest and politically strong ethnic group is Javanese. The country has second highest level of biodiversity and rich natural resources despite of being densely populated region in the state. Although it has been considered economically stable nation among other Asian countries but still many people are living in poverty.

3: United States (321,605,012)

The federal republic of United States consist of five major territories, 50 states and a federal district among other possessions located in central of North America between Canada and Mexico. The ethnically diverse and multicultural nations United States stand among most populous countries in the world having total resident of 321 million approximately. The leader in scientific research and technological innovations United States of America is one of influential nation on international concern ranked as super power in the world with prominent political and cultural force.

2: India (1,276,267,000)

The South Asian country India is one of most populated nation across the globe having over 1.2 billion people, one of largest state by area of 1,269,346 sq mi. It has emerging economy which stands among the top positions when compared to other countries having largest by purchasing power parity. The federal constitutional republic has 29 states and 7 union territories which has pluralistic, multilingual, and a multi-ethnic society making it one of divers nation across the globe. The newly industrialized nation is developing its economy rapidly and becoming one of developed region in the world but still millions were living below poverty line.

1: China

China is the world’s most populous country is home to more than 1.35 billion which covers 9.6 million square kilometers approximately making it one of largest country in the world by land. The country has world’s largest and most complex economy recognized nuclear weapons state with largest standing army across the world. The regional power in Asia has been often described as the potential super power around the globe which has world’s fastest-growing major economies and one of largest importer and exporter on the earth.

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